Running a successful enterprise means taking care of your corporate legal housekeeping and making sure it complies with local regulations. Legal advice, tailored to your corporations specific goals and strategies will prove invaluable in every stage of development.

NORM FINANCE provides a wide range of legal services from day-to-day operational business activities and setting up a company to legal solutions on complex corporate issues. We service clients in both a personal and professional manner ranging from small and medium enterprises to large multinational corporations.

Legal consultation

Legal advice and support, tailored to your corporations specific goals and strategies will prove invaluable for the efficient growth of your organization. We are able to provide you with legal advice regarding a wide range of corporate issues. Our legal team is up-to-date with current laws and market developments and will help you to stay compliant.

Drafting and reviewing contracts

A good contract is the beginning of a successful project.  However for a contract to be reliable, it has to be well-constructed. Our legal team is able to assist with drafting and reviewing contracts which can help you reduce time and expense, manage risk and avoid unintended legal consequences.

Regulatory and corporate governance

Running a business is already complex enough, therefore we assist you with your day-to-day operational business activities so you can focus on the business and we ensure your business is in the good legal standing.

  • Managing legal structure, composition and regulations of organizations
  • Prevention of director liability issues
  • Board remuneration policies
  • Secretarial advisory services
  • Governing and managing bodies
  • Shareholder conflicts

Company setup and dissolving of entities

A good start is key. We can assist you to start and maintain a smooth-running business so no legal obstacles suddenly appear. Once a project has been successful and the entity is not needed anymore, we assist you to dissolve the entity.

How can we help?

NORM FINANCE provides a wide range of legal services from day-to-day operational business activities and setting up a company to legal solutions on complex corporate issues.

Alex van de Kamp
